Local Power Advances!

This article, datelined march 30 from Edinburgh, Scotland, comes to us from the British bi-monthly "renewable energy" magazine Re-Focus.

The report tells of a yearly survey done by WADE, the World Alliance for Decentralized Energy. They report that world energy generation by decentralized technologies - solar, wind, water, biomass, hybrid - has grown to 7.2% as of last year. So far, this is a one-tenth of one percent yearly increase. The WADE Survey also notes that growth potential for such technologies lies in Third World countries, with Brazil and India in the lead.

As we stated before, decentralized energy grids makes energy production safer, since it presents a less likely target for terrorists to destroy. Thus, energy production is made more secure, as well as localized. If combined with better oil production, energy conservation, and development of so-called "free energy" technologies pioneerred by men like Nikola Tesla, the nations of the world can make their energy future cleaner and more stable.

And, in turn, further cutting down the influence of both big government and big business.

So, in it's own way, this is another victory for Distributism. Thanks be to God.


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