Source of Schumacher's Theories

This article is from the book "Literary Converts" by Joseph Pearce, one of the most dynamic English language biography authors of the last decade or more. He is a Writer in Residence and Professor of Literature at Ave Maria College in Michigan, and Co-Editor of the Saint Austin Review magazine. This article comes from the neo-Catholic news and opinion website Godspy.

E. F. Schumacher, a disciple of Leopold Kohr - author of the classic work "The Breakdown of Nations" - crafted the Seventies' economic book "Small Is Beautiful". His work has helped to develop Distributist Thought down the years. The article by Pearce shows Schumacher's searching for truth and life's ultimate meaning, leading him to his conversion to Catholicism in 1971. It was Pope Paul VI's encyclical letter "Humanae Vitae" that was one of the catalysts that finally led him "home to Rome".

A good solid read by Pearce on one of the legitimate successors of Belloc and Chesterton.


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