Resisting the Sexual Revolution in Nova Scotia

As mentioned back on August 31 on this blog:

Sexual activity is ONLY moral and licit between a man and a woman within the bonds of unbreakable matrimony. Any other type of sexual activity is objectively wrong, no matter what national governments, academia, media and judiciaries say otherwise.

Thanks be to God Almighty, there are the beginnings of resistance to imposing so-called "same sex marriage" in Canada.

Nova Scotia recently became the 6th province to allow so-called "same sex marriage". Around that very day, a minister of the Anglican Catholic Church of Canada sent the province's Deputy Registrar General notice that he will no longer register any marriages he officiates with the province. This news comes from the Canada Family Action Coalition, in an October 1st dated bulletin.

The letter by Rev. Louis H. How is very elequent and forceful. It is hoped here at the Review that any Canadian priest, minister, rabbi, mullah or other clergyman will take Rev. How's example to heart and do likewise.

As we again stated here on August 31st:

Distributism is committed to destroying the Sexual Revolution worldwide, even if it takes - literally - centuries of effort.

Belloc and Chesterton would expect no less.


Anonymous,  Saturday, September 6, 2008 at 2:33:00 PM CDT  

Lincoln Chafee where are you? Why don't you and I get together, and move to Nova Scotia? I know you'd rather be with me, cause when our eyes first met, I knew it was a "love at first sight" and a mutual one at that. When is the right time going to come for you and I? I want you, I need you, got to have you and no other way. You are the best man in the world that i've ever met, you have what it takes to please me. So someone anyone who may know Linc Chafee, please send him this blog linking to this page.

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