Democrats for Life: November Newsletter

DFLA Newsletter November 2008

In This Issue: Call to Action! Share Your Vision!

Listen to Science on Stem Cell Research
Freedom of Choice Act
Call to Action! Share Your Vision!

The Obama Administration's transition website includes a section where you can "Share Your Vision" ( Please take a moment to complete this section thoughtfully and to urge President-Elect Obama to:
1.) pass the Pregnant Women Support Act which will drastically reduce the abortion rate in this country;
2.) allow funding only for stem cell research that does not involve the destruction of human embryos;
3.) listen to and work with pro-life Democrats and people who have differing opinions on abortion before making any major policy changes; and
4.) do not sign or promote the Freedom of Choice Act.

We need your help today. 202-220-3066
In his acceptance speech, President-elect Obama stated that, regardless of whether or not you voted for him, "I will be your President, too." Obama will be your President, and it is time to let him know how and where you would like him to lead. Please see our "Call to Action!" to learn about how you can share your pro-life vision with the new Administration.
Listen to Science on Stem Cell Research: Congress plans to debate the use of stem cells from human embryos early in the 111th Congress. Science has proven that there are moral and ethical alternatives to using stems cells from human embryos. Now is a crucial moment to educate the Obama Administration that it is time to end the debate on funding embryonic stem cell research and put our limited funds toward research that cures diseases and saves lives. Funding Adult Stem cell research could be an important part of an economic stimulus plan to create jobs and save lives.

Pro-life Democrats can stop the Freedom of Choice Act
A majority of Americans belive that there should be restrictions on abortion and if they knew how detrimental the passage of the Freedom of Choice Act is they would vehemently oppose it. According to the National Organization for Women, "FOCA will supersede laws that restrict the right to abortion, including laws that prohibit the public funding of abortion." They further state that FOCA would free women from what they deem "improper governmental interference with their right to choose a pre-viability abortion" and "who require a post-viability abortion in order to preserve their lives or health." FOCA would apply to "measures enacted or implemented before, on, or after the date of its enactment." Passing FOCA would result in more abortions and more danger to women.
Fortunately, we will work with our pro-life Democratic leaders in Congress to ensure that FOCA, which has been introduced in every Congress since 1989, will not be on the legislative agenda for the 111th Congress and beyond.

Please donate to DFLA today to help in these efforts,


Shannon Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 5:27:00 PM CST  

Yay for me! I did all of that the week after the election. I urge everyone, too, to send out emails to the people they know. I have found few people even know about the Pregnant Woman Support Act, or even about the pro-life Democrats.

Anonymous,  Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 7:17:00 PM CST  

DFLA is a good group to which I have contributed financially. Of course, I'm also a fan of Don Quixote and a devout Jacobite.

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