One of the hallmarks of a Distributist economy and state is the fostering and strengthening of the cooperative sector. The poor and middle classes pool their resources and talent together to life themselves out of economic misery. And it is done without big government micro-management, which is one of the black marks of a Socialist, Communist or Fascist state.

It is among the nations of the Third World that the promise of a Distributist Earth shines brightly. And among them, the Philippines seems to be making rapid progress. According to a October 19th press release from the Philippine government’s Information Agency, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo praised the nation’s cooperatives for strengthening the national economy. In her speech to a cooperative summit in the city of Alabel, the President noted that the coop sector injected - in American currency - about $226 million in capital investments. She also said that the Asian nation would need "a vibrant middle class if we are to reach the verge of the First World in 20 years."

If such great vitality can spring from the cooperative sector for a growing economy like the Philippines, what more can it do for the American economy? Or Russia’s? Or Britain’s? And this is only a part of what Distributism - and the insights of Belloc, Chesterton and their legitimate successors - can do for the world’s nations.

Congratulations to the Philippines’ cooperative sector! May you all learn about Distributism and promote it to your countrymen - and to all of Asia!


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