Big Auto and Big Brother Join Hands

This report - posted on the website - is written by Eric Peters for the AOL-based website AOL Autos.

The Federal government is planning to force all car makers in America to install "Event Data Recorders" in all new cars and trucks from 2008 on. These are "black boxes" for cars and trucks, similar to planes, but have the capability to track you wherever you go.

As Peters reports, 15-20% of all American cars and trucks have such "black boxes".

So Big Auto wants to tag you and track you like a animal, just as the Federal goverment also wants. DON'T LET THEM DO THIS!

Peters encourages all his readers to contact the government bureau responsible - the NHTSA - at

We need to regain our legitimate privacy back from both big government and big business. So write them - they can delete e-mails - and demand they stop such a plan for good! Don't let up until they do so. Thank you.


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