Another Merger Cursing the Market

This report from reports on two of America's largest retailers, Sears and K-Mart announcing they will merge to become one company. Their stores will continue to operate under separate names, but combine their economic forces to battle monsters like Wal-Mart. It will become the nation's third-largest retailer.

Oh brother, this is all we need. Another mega-merger.

In a Distributist society, there would be no chain store giants like a Wal-Mart, Sears or K-Mart to begin with. There would be a multitude of small and medium sized individual stores, either family-owned or worker-owned and managed. If there are chain stores, they will be small ones, and regulated at the lowest level of government, so as to not expand at other's expense.

And, alas, like with other mega-mergers, there will be layoffs. America needs no more unemployment. The quicker the US and the rest of the world become Distributist, the less we will see of either big chain stores and mega-mergers like this one.


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