Guinea-Bissau Up In Arms...Again

This report comes from the pro-globalist Associated Press via MyWay News, dated October 6th. The tiny West African nation of Guinea-Bissau, a former colony of Portugal, has risen in revolt yet again. The armed forces chief of staff was killed in the revolt. The cause of it, according to Prime Minister Carlos Gomes Jr., was due to 500 soliders returning from UN so-called "peacekeeping" duties in Liberia. The soldiers went unpaid for the last six months. Negotiations between the rebels and the government will be continuing.

According to the AP report, Guinea-Bissau is one of the world's poorest countries. It relies on fishing and cashew nut exports to keep it alive. There are offshore oil reserves, but no multinational will drill there due to the unstable political scene.

This nation of 1.4 million could be a perfect test case for implementing Distributist economic and political principles. It is small enough to be a "laboratory" to prove to the people of Africa that they can be pulled out of their nightmare world they've dwelt in since the Sixties.

Also, since many white and black farmers in Zimbabwe and South Africa are targeted by their neo-Marxist governments for destruction, that state could use their expertise to begin reviving itself from destitution. It should be a mutually beneficial relationship, at least economically.

The potential for a Distributist, multi-racial state in Guinea-Bissau is there. Please God, folks learning about Distributism here and elsewhere will begin building it soon.


Roy F. Moore Friday, October 8, 2004 at 5:31:00 PM CDT  

Problem is in both setting up a structure to promote it, as well as the funds to get it going. And with various nations writing laws that could declare any organization "subversive" for any reason -- thanks to demonic filth like Al-Queda, the Reds, neo-Nazis and similar ilk -- a future DI or DLA would always be walking on eggshells.

Not a position anyone would like to be in.

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